Change starts from YOU

One day, all the employees reached the office and they saw a big notice on the door which it has written: “Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the gym.” In the beginning, they all...

The Tree

  I remember one day chatting with a young friend who had issues with life. He was unhappy with life and the job he was holding. He seemed to have lots of reasons to be unhappy and unsatisfied. Then I asked him if he ever noticed the trees. “Huh?” was his reply....

Happy International Evaluate Your Life Day!

  Where do you measure up? How are you performing in the different aspects of your life now? Do you feel balanced, or have you been making sacrifices on certain parts of your life? Evaluate Your Life Day was created to encourage people to check out what’s going...

Smile & the Whole World Smiles with You!

  SMILE & the Whole World Smiles with You! Did you know SMILING is contagious? BENEFITS of SMILING: 1. Shifts you out of a negative perspective & keeps you positive 2. Makes you look more attractive, likeable & younger 3. Increases productivity 4....