by Billy Kueek | Mar 4, 2013 | ABNLP, Applied NLP in Business, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Corporate training, Hypnosis
How many of us had grand plans when we were younger – wanting to run a major corporation, be the best tennis player in the world, become President – and yet, how many of us actually see our plans turn into reality? What stopped us from achieving them? And... by Billy Kueek | Feb 27, 2013 | ABNLP, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Hypnosis, NLP, Personal Development, Time Line Therapy, Training
As a parent, were there times when you were frustrated because you could not help your child in times of need? Are you equipped with the right tools and knowledge to guide your child? What skills can you develop or learn in order to be your child’s best coach and to... by Billy Kueek | Feb 9, 2013 | ABNLP, Addiction, Applied NLP in Business, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Corporate training, Hypnosis, NLP, Personal Development, Time Line Therapy, Train The Trainer, Training, Weight Loss
How much is your life worth? When you are healthy, you may not be willing to pay much for medical care. However, for someone who is sick, they would pay any amount to get better. The value of something is based on what someone will pay for it. Most of us buy life... by Billy Kueek | Feb 2, 2013 | ABNLP, Applied NLP in Business, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Corporate training, Hypnosis, NLP, Personal Development, Time Line Therapy, Training, Weight Loss
A great big HELLO to everyone! How time flies by! It seems like I was just wishing all of you Happy New Year yesterday, when in fact we’re already a month into 2013! So how was your January 2013? How many of you started it by making new year resolutions? If you did so... by Billy Kueek | Jan 21, 2013 | ABNLP, Applied NLP in Business, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Corporate training, Hypnosis, NLP, Personal Development, Time Line Therapy, Training, Weight Loss
As President Obama is sworn into his second term as President of the United States, I thought this would be a good time to briefly mention how NLP and Hypnosis is used in our daily lives without us even knowing most of the time. From advertisements to the media, from...