If your belief system is not Liberating, it is likely to be Limiting.” ~ Dr Billy Kueek

What are some of the things you wish you had learned in school, but no one taught you? What did you miss out on that you’d like to acquire now? In a recent survey, an international online publishing company asked over 20,000 people to rank various life skills in terms of importance and the education (or lack of) they received.

The results were certainly interesting.

The biggest gap perceived by the respondents was in Happiness & Positive Living. More than 60% rated this as being very important and yet had received very little formal education on it.

The next four were Alternative Healing, Wealth & Abundance Meditation, and Spiritual Growth , all of which got ratings of 51% and above.

This indicates that many are frustrated with how little they know about these important life skills, and are eager to seek more learnings to fill in the perceived gaps in their lives.

What is interesting to note, is that of these Top 5 learning gaps identified, all are skills that one can acquire and embrace through learning NLP.

Real and relevant education is becoming a precious commodity. Due to this, many are living life by default, accepting whatever life has thrown at them, the circumstances that they are in, playing with the cards they are dealt. More and more people – youths and working adults alike – are searching for new learnings that will make a real impact so that they too can “Live by Design, Not by Default!”

Now imagine learning the skills and knowledge that will help you address your concerns, and then in turn use your new-found knowledge to coach others and inspire them too – to be a better parent, better spouse, better friend, have healthier relationships, be more positive and live the life that they want – that would be wonderful, wouldn’t it?

Whether you are already in the coaching business, training business or are thinking about becoming a trainer, with growing interest in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) for personal and professional development, the demand for good NLP trainers is greater than ever and it is certainly a rewarding profession, both intrinsically and extrinsically. Companies are becoming more interested in soft skills programs with NLP elements as they find them to be more effective and impactful.

For those with no prior NLP knowledge, your pathway begins with NLP Practitioner certification, followed by NLP Master Practitioner certification before moving on to NLP Trainers’ Training (NLPTT). The best thing is, Billy Kueek International is able to support you on your journey from start to finish. For the first 2 certifications, join our signature program Live By Design.

We are all destined to achieve excellence, but in life, there may be obstacles along the way. The idea that everyone is in charge of their thoughts, behavior and success led Billy to create Live By Design. The program combines NLP with Time Line Therapy™, Hypnotherapy and Coaching to provide a complete toolkit.

Positive thinking can create life-changing results. So in order to attract more wealth, good health and even happiness, you have to think positively about it and believe that you are wealthy, healthy and happy, and that you deserve it.

Imagine there was a way where you could:

  • Attract Success,
  • Tap into Your Full Potential,
  • Know Your Passion & True Calling,
  • Understand the True Happiness & Positivity Within Yourself,
  • Instantly Get Into Peak Performance State…

Imagine having the tools that will help you cope with life’s challenges and be able to have a positive mindset no matter what happens. You would like to have that, wouldn’t you?

You can breakthrough limiting beliefs, enhance positivity, make better decisions, discover your personal driving forces, resolve inner conflicts that may be freezing you, get rid of phobias and bad habits. Simply put, it is what works on a daily basis that produces desired results.

Billy Kueek International offers numerous soft skills programs for companies as well as public programs, such as Applied NLP in Sales, Applied NLP in Leadership and Coaching, Impact Systemã Coaching, NLP Associate, NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer and MasterClass Train The Trainer programs.

By now, as you are reading this, you will already have a clear idea if this is the right path for you. You are in charge of our own happiness and success.

The possibilities to your prosperity are endless – take action now!

Article 'Skyrocket Your NLP Path in 2014'; featured in The Star (14 Jan '14)

Article featured in The Star (14 Jan ’14)