As President Obama is sworn into his second term as President of the United States, I thought this would be a good time to briefly mention how NLP and Hypnosis is used in our daily lives without us even knowing most of the time. From advertisements to the media, from politicians to salesmen, and our own parents could have used hypnotic language patterns and linguistic patterns in their communication, knowingly or unknowingly.
Both Presidents Obama and Clinton have a team of advisors which include NLP Master Practitioners who review their speeches to ensure that they include the appropriate linguistics to resonate with their audiences. In business, NLP can certainly help in communication during negotiations in order to influence the listener and get the message across.
Advertisements use NLP Linguistics to influence your buying habits. For example, the ad may read like this – ‘buying this washing powder means you love your family’. In NLP, this is called a context reframe because if you think about it, how would using a particular washing powder mean that you love your family. But that is exactly what the message implies.
Or when a salesman repeatedly tells you ‘by now’ in his sales patter, what he is really saying to you is ‘buy now’. We call this embedded command where the instruction or command is embedded into a sentence so that the unconscious mind picks it up.
So when you think about it, everyone and anyone is able to influence others by being more conscious and aware of the word choices used. For the next few days, try focusing on the words others & yourself use and listen out for any hypnotic language or linguistic patterns in their communication. You may be surprised just how often it pops up!