First published in 2002, EQUIP revolves around the selling framework, which is the selling process from start (prospecting) to finish (closing the sale) and how to implement psychological techniques in between. The components of the framework remain similar no matter what we sell or represent. Important steps include building rapport, determining needs and handling objections.

Among the many aspects of selling, the art of communication is one that is most well covered. It is mentioned that according to Mehrabian’s Communication Model, only 7% of the meaning of the message is attributable to what is said. 93% of the meaning of our communication lies in our body language and tonality. This shows how powerful the brain is and how we sometimes take for granted the impact of the words we use. Besides that, it illustrates that simple things like handshakes and eye movements are greatly significant in the selling process.

This book also looks at Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a field of psychology developed in the 70s about how people think, communicate and achieve success. The knowledge and application of NLP can help build rapport and determine the usage of different selling strategies, depending on whether the person is dominantly visual, auditory or kinesthetic. Buying strategies are addressed in the latest edition of the book.

On the whole, EQUIP sheds light on an overwhelming repertoire of techniques we can use. It is easy to read and written in an encouraging manner. Most importantly, it effectively achieves the objective of teaching readers how they may apply psychological techniques in the selling framework. It is essentially about putting the prospect in a positive mind frame to make the selling and buying process a lot more pleasant for both parties.

I would recommend this book to anyone who looking to take their selling skills to a whole new level. It highlights the importance of dealing with our own psychology, mindset and beliefs in order to improve our selling skills. Of course, like any other skills and techniques, those outlined in this book would take time, effort and diligence to master. Reading equips us and ultimately, the learning is in the doing.

Copies of EQUIP: Using Psychological Techniques in Selling can be obtained from major bookstores in Malaysia and Singapore as well as online ( Also available in pdf