by Billy Kueek | Dec 24, 2012 | ABNLP, Applied NLP in Business, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Corporate training, NLP, Personal Development, Training
Are all NLP (Neur0-Linguistic Programming) trainers the same? Are all NLP certification programs the same? How do you decide which program is suitable and which trainer to select? What is the difference between your program and those offered by other trainers? Why... by Billy Kueek | Nov 21, 2012 | ABNLP, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Corporate training, Hypnosis, NLP, Personal Development, Time Line Therapy, Train The Trainer, Training
There is growing interest to become certified trainers especially in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy (TLT) and Hypnotherapy. At Billy Kueek International, we offer certification at trainer level in all three under the American Board...