by Kit Lim | Jun 9, 2016 | ABNLP, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Corporate training, Hypnosis, NLP, Personal Development, Time Line Therapy, Training
Living By Design – December 2015: by Elvina Cheah, Children’s Coach I came to know about NLP through a graduate of BKI – Olivia Ong. I was endlessly surprised by her ability to solve problems and coach people to see the true root cause behind every... by Billy Kueek | Mar 12, 2013 | ABNLP, Applied NLP in Business, Billy Kueek, Coaching, Corporate training, Hypnosis, NLP, Personal Development, Time Line Therapy, Training
Prosperity can mean different things to different people. To some, it means wealth, and for others it may be their health, family’s well being or financial freedom. However one defines it, the main elements that will guarantee its success are universal. Here are some... by Billy Kueek | Mar 4, 2013 | ABNLP, Applied NLP in Business, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Corporate training, Hypnosis
How many of us had grand plans when we were younger – wanting to run a major corporation, be the best tennis player in the world, become President – and yet, how many of us actually see our plans turn into reality? What stopped us from achieving them? And... by Billy Kueek | Feb 27, 2013 | ABNLP, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Hypnosis, NLP, Personal Development, Time Line Therapy, Training
As a parent, were there times when you were frustrated because you could not help your child in times of need? Are you equipped with the right tools and knowledge to guide your child? What skills can you develop or learn in order to be your child’s best coach and to... by Billy Kueek | Oct 26, 2012 | Addiction, Billy Kueek, Change, Coaching, Hypnosis, Personal Development, Weight Loss
Whenever I tell anyone that I am a Hypnotherapy Master Trainer, I get two different types of reaction. The first is where they are very interested to know more about hypnosis and what it can do, and if I can hypnotize their friends (and notice how it is their friends...