Stick to what you see best.
Stick to what you hear best.
Stick to what you do and know best.
Stick to what you see best.
Stick to what you hear best.
Stick to what you do and know best.
I believe you have heard these advice, many times, when you are growing up. They may come from your family, friends, teachers, colleagues and/or even strangers to encourage you when you are facing challenges in your life. These words may sound motivating and reassuring that you are accomplishing something awesome now. It may signify that you are looking after yourself well.
These advice can cut both ways, good and bad. When you are safe in your comfort zone, it is easy to just fixate on this ONE thing that you are great at. This may create a limitation that stops you from exploring the unknown. When you limit yourself, you miss out on possible opportunities that could bring you more fun, adventure and success.
And what happens when this ONE thing that you are best at comes crashing down?
Limiting beliefs are common. It is becoming an epidemic that people are not aware that they have a limiting belief, or do not acknowledge they have one. Over and over again, the same cycle repeats as they continue to feel hopeless, helpless, useless and blame everyone else other than themselves when their success is not materialize and/or their goals are never accomplished.
“Life is short, live it.
Love is rare, grab it.
Anger is bad, dump it.
Fear is awful, face it.
Memories are sweet, cherish it.”
~ Unknown
As we go through 2019, it is time to open up your Pandora box. It is time to face your uncertainties and concerns, and recognize your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from propelling forward. At Billy Kueek International, we have a group of excellent, compassionate and supportive coaches who can help you create a new liberating belief that will improve the way you think about yourself, facilitate your career, as well as enhance your relationship with others.